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Two Clusters in Airbnb Listings - Lisbon Map.png

Segmentation Study of Airbnb Customers Visiting Lisbon During Holidays

This project focused on understanding different groups of Airbnb customers who visit Lisbon during holiday times. The main tool used for this research was R Studio.

A key part of this study is the use of cluster analysis, which is a method for grouping similar customers together. By applying different clustering techniques, the research was able to identify various segments of Airbnb listings based on customer preferences.

Understanding these customer segments is important for companies because it allows them to create targeted marketing strategies. By knowing what different groups of customers want, businesses can improve their services and attract more visitors, making them more competitive in the tourism market.

CRM Data Analysis

The FP20 Challenge 17, organized by Zoom Charts and FP20 Analytics, focused on analyzing CRM data from a fictional IT company.

To achieve simplicity and sophistication, I used storytelling principles from Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic to design intuitive dashboards for sales managers. By employing clear graphs, a minimal color scheme, and concise summaries, the dashboards are user-friendly, even for those not well-versed in tools like Power BI or statistical analysis.

Following Don Norman's Z-pattern layout, each page guides users through critical information, with key insights placed prominently for easy access. The "Overview" section highlights sales trends, pipeline health, and regional performance, ensuring that every element, from heatmaps to ribbon graphs, is clear and engaging.

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Project Pricing Model

This project aims to demonstrate the Jira Power BI Connector through the Elite IT podcast.


The dashboard enables users to determine project costs based on client requirements, select an appropriate profit margin, and confirm employee availability for each specific project.

Inventory Management with Chat GPT

This project highlights the importance of AI in supporting business decisions today. Through this interactive dashboard, the inventory manager can quickly adjust parameters and see AI-driven recommendations alongside key historical metrics.


Chat GPT can be used not only to support decisions in inventory management but also in many other areas of the business, such as customer service, marketing, and financial analysis.


A variety of prompts and ideas can be implemented to enhance efficiency and innovation across the organization.


Maven Sales Challenge

This project aimed to create an interactive dashboard for sales managers to track team performance using a dataset from a fictional computer hardware company's CRM database. Key insights reveal the crucial role of lead generation in driving sales, the impact of sector allocation, particularly in technology and finance, and the need to diversify sales contributions among team members for sustained success.


Overall, the project highlights the importance of strategic sector allocation, lead generation, and team diversification in optimizing sales performance and competitiveness.

Quiz Takers Analysis

In this project, I gathered quiz data from the Private Gym webpage, which offers products for male sexual health.


The resulting dashboard was crafted to empower the CEO with insights into customer demographics and preferences, enabling informed decisions on product development and tailored marketing strategies.


Maven Coffee Challenge

The Maven Coffee Challenge tasked participants with serving as Analytics Consultants for investors aiming to enter the US coffee market. Leveraging insights from "The Great American Coffee Taste Test," participants were required to craft a data-driven strategy for launching the investors' inaugural coffee shop. This involved addressing key areas of interest while also providing additional insights and recommendations to meet the investors' objectives.

In this project, I utilized the K-Means clustering algorithm to analyze taste preferences of respondents and identify distinct customer segments. This powerful algorithm provided actionable insights for product offerings and pricing strategies, paving the way for market success.


Real Estate Insights: Streamlining Reporting with Power BI in Southern Brazil

In this project, I assisted a consultancy company in delivering monthly reports to investors and contractors in southern Brazilian cities. The reports, created in Power BI, were designed to streamline presentations and enhance audience comprehension. They include key metrics, maps, and time series analyses.


Inactive Clients Analysis

A company in Brazil that sells industrial supplies wanted to find out why some customers had stopped buying from them. So, we decided to gather information about customers who haven't been active for the last six months.

Livestock - Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

This dashboard was created to help students from one of the Faculties of Agronomy in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


You can have information about the livestock by selecting a city and comparing it to the total stock of the region and state, as well as, you can see the percentage of total by animal category and the growth of the stock over the years.

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2020 Real Estate Listings - Porto Alegre, Brazil

Suppose you are coming to Porto Alegre to rent a property and know nothing about the city. What are the most expensive neighborhoods? What is the average price for a specific area? What are the safest places to live? 


These and other questions can be answered by using this dashboard.

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